Which of the following tables accurately identifies the impact of imperialism on the Congo Free State and Cuba? (1 point)

Country | Impact

Congo Free State: Belgium brutalized people and land for rubber.

Cuba: British exploitation for cash crops caused many hardships for workers.
Country | Impact

Congo Free State: Belgian exploitation of people and land took place to gain access to rubber.

Cuba : Cost to mechanize sugar production led the country to incur large amounts of debt.
Country | Impact

Congo Free State: Construction of the Suez Canal led to massive amounts of debt.

Cuba: Ongoing debt owed to the U.S. caused the economy to decline and led to economic hardships.


Country | Impact

Congo Free State: Starvation or mistreatment led to the deaths of 10 million Congolese people.

Cuba: Forced labor on the construction of the Suez Canal resulted in the deaths of nearly 100,000 workers.

The correct table that accurately identifies the impact of imperialism on the Congo Free State and Cuba is:

Country | Impact
Congo Free State: Belgian exploitation of people and land took place to gain access to rubber.
Cuba: British exploitation for cash crops caused many hardships for workers.