The school football coach wants to know how many hours he trained Lyle and Trent this season. This season, each training session was 2 hours. There was also one mandatory weekend workout that counted for 6 hours of training. Lyle and Trent both attended the weekend workout, but attended different numbers of training sessions. This season, Lyle had at least 42 hours of training. Trent attended at least twice as many training sessions as Lyle. Write an inequality to find Trent's hours of training.

Let's represent the number of training sessions Trent attended as x. Since each training session is 2 hours, Trent's total training hours can be expressed as 2x. According to the given information, Trent attended at least twice as many training sessions as Lyle. So the inequality that represents the total training hours for Trent is:

2x >= 42