Why were Russian serfs liberated?

To end the policy of Russification
To end the policy of Russification

To modernize the Russian economy and society
To modernize the Russian economy and society

To spread Christianity
To spread Christianity

To resist European imperialism

There are several reasons why Russian serfs were liberated:

1. To modernize the Russian economy and society: The liberation of serfs was seen as a necessary step towards industrialization and modernization. By freeing the serfs, it was believed that Russia's economy would become more efficient and productive.

2. To end the policy of Russification: The Russian government sought to create a more unified and homogeneous Russian society by ending the policy of Russification, which involved suppressing and assimilating non-Russian cultures and languages. The liberation of serfs was considered a way to reduce tensions between different ethnic groups in the empire.

3. To spread Christianity: The Russian Orthodox Church supported the emancipation of serfs as it was viewed as a way to promote Christian values of equality and justice.

4. To resist European imperialism: The liberation of serfs was also driven by the desire to compete with Western European powers and resist their influence. It was believed that by modernizing the economy and society, Russia would be able to assert itself as a major global power.