What might historians infer about the Aztec Empire based on their agricultural practices?


The Aztecs had to develop several planting and irrigation strategies because none worked very well. - incorrect answer

The Aztecs were an advanced peoples with in-depth knowledge about the land and its resources. - correct answer

The Aztecs did not understand that different types of soil require different farming approaches. - incorrect answer

The Aztecs did not take the best care of their farmland because it was not privately owned by families. - incorrect answer
explain how you would get The Aztecs were an advanced peoples with in-depth knowledge about the land and its resources. As your correct answer

The Aztecs were an advanced civilization with a complex agricultural system that demonstrated their deep understanding of the land and its resources. They developed innovative planting and irrigation strategies to overcome the challenges of their environment, including the construction of chinampas (floating gardens) and the use of terracing for farming on slopes. These methods required a sophisticated understanding of water management, soil fertility, and crop rotation. Additionally, the Aztecs implemented a system of agricultural intensification, utilizing the same plot of land for multiple crops throughout the year. Such practices reflect a high level of knowledge and expertise in agriculture, suggesting that the Aztecs were indeed an advanced people with extensive understanding of their environment and the agricultural practices required for successful cultivation.