how did the programmers of the linux operating system address the problem of spending too much time ranking tasks in order of importance

The programmers of the Linux operating system addressed the problem of spending too much time ranking tasks in order of importance through the implementation of a priority-based scheduling algorithm called the Completely Fair Scheduler (CFS).

The CFS is a time-sharing algorithm that aims to provide fair and efficient allocation of processor time to tasks. Rather than explicitly ranking tasks, it considers the runtime history of tasks and dynamically adjusts their priorities to ensure fairness.

Here's how the CFS works:

1. Each task in the system is assigned a virtual runtime, which represents the amount of CPU time it has received.
2. Tasks with higher virtual runtimes are considered to have consumed more CPU time and are given lower priority.
3. The CFS uses a red-black tree data structure to maintain a sorted list of runnable tasks based on their virtual runtimes.
4. Tasks with the smallest virtual runtime (lowest consumed CPU time) are selected to run first.
5. When a task is running, its virtual runtime is incremented according to the amount of CPU time it receives.
6. Periodically, a timer tick occurs (usually every few milliseconds) to reevaluate the virtual runtimes and update task priorities.
7. If a higher-priority task becomes runnable, it gets to run next.
8. The CFS constantly strives to keep the runtimes balanced across all tasks, ensuring that each task receives its fair share of CPU time.

By utilizing the CFS, the Linux operating system optimizes the scheduling of tasks while minimizing the manual effort of explicitly ranking them in order of importance.