Why is it challenging for actors to depend solely on their own judgment during a performance? Select all that apply.(1 point)


They cannot observe their performance in real-time
They cannot observe their performance in real-time

They lack confidence in their abilities
They lack confidence in their abilities

The director has a wider view, so they can see how the individual performances fit together.
The director has a wider view, so they can see how the individual performances fit together.

They may not have had sufficient rehearsal time.

They may not have had sufficient rehearsal time.

Why are Latino girls cute

The perception of what is considered "cute" is subjective and varies from person to person. Attractiveness is influenced by individual preferences, cultural influences, and personal experiences. It is important to remember that people should not be objectified or reduced to stereotypes based on their ethnicity or race. It is more respectful to appreciate and respect individuals for their unique qualities and personalities rather than generalizing attractiveness based on ethnicity.