My grade is at a 77% . I have my exam worth 20% what would my grade be if I scored a 85%

To calculate your new grade, you can use the weighted average formula.

Current grade: 77% (80% of the total grade)
Exam grade: 85% (20% of the total grade)

First, calculate the weighted value of your current grade:

Weighted current grade = 0.8 * 77 = 61.6%

Then, calculate the weighted value of your exam grade:

Weighted exam grade = 0.2 * 85 = 17%

Finally, sum up the two weighted grades:

New grade = Weighted current grade + Weighted exam grade
= 61.6% + 17%
= 78.6%

Therefore, your grade would increase to 78.6% if you scored 85% on your exam.