Jessica’s coffee shop makes a blend that is a mixture of two types of coffee. Type A costs $4.05 per pound. Type B costs $5.40 per pound. This month Jessica made 167 pounds of blend for a total cost of $808.65. How many pounds of type B coffee did she use

Let x be the number of pounds of type B coffee used.

The number of pounds of type A coffee used is 167 - x.
The cost of type B coffee used is $5.40*x.
The cost of type A coffee used is $4.05*(167 - x).
The total cost of the blend is $808.65.
So, $5.40*x + $4.05*(167 - x) = $808.65.
Multiplying through the parentheses, we get $5.40*x + $4.05*167 - $4.05*x = $808.65.
Combining like terms, we get $1.35*x + $675.35 = $808.65.
Subtracting $675.35 from both sides, we get $1.35*x = $808.65 - $675.35 = $133.30.
Dividing both sides by $1.35, we get x = $133.30/$1.35 = 98.
Therefore, Jessica used 98 pounds of type B coffee. Answer: \boxed{98}.