Using substitution, which number from the set {15, 25, 35, 55} makes the equation y+15=40 true?(1 point) Responses 55 55 25 25 15 15 35

To solve the equation y + 15 = 40 using substitution, we need to substitute each number from the given set into the equation and check if it makes the equation true.

Let's substitute 15:
y + 15 = 40
15 + 15 = 40
30 = 40

This is not true, so we can eliminate 15.

Now let's substitute 25:
y + 15 = 40
25 + 15 = 40
40 = 40

This equation is true when y = 25.

Now let's substitute 35:
y + 15 = 40
35 + 15 = 40
50 = 40

This is not true, so we can eliminate 35.

Finally, let's substitute 55:
y + 15 = 40
55 + 15 = 40
70 = 40

This is not true, so we can eliminate 55.

Therefore, the only number that makes the equation y + 15 = 40 true is 25.