Willow solved an inequality and graphed the solution on the number line that has a hollow circle on 4.5 and goes backwards to negative numbers. Which of the following inequalities did she solve?


Willow solved the inequality x-1.5 ≤ 3.


The inequality x-1.5 ≤ 3 means that Willow is looking for all possible values of x that satisfy the inequality. To graph this on a number line, she would start with a hollow circle on 4.5 (since x-1.5 = 4.5 when x = 6) to represent the value 4.5. Then, she would draw a line going backwards towards negative numbers to include all values of x that are less than or equal to 4.5.

In the other inequalities, there is no mention of a hollow circle on 4.5 or going backwards towards negative numbers. Therefore, Willow did not solve any of the other inequalities.