Read the passages.

,begin bold,Passage 1:,end bold,

,begin bold,Kimball Peak,end bold,

Janie took one step, then another, then another. Her legs shook as her sneakers dug into the hard-packed earth of Kimball Peak. It wasn't a mountain peak, but it was the biggest hill in all of Tuckahoe. The older kids, like Janie's brother Tyler, could easily climb it. Janie had tried many times, but never made it farther than halfway before she had to turn around, defeated. She jabbed her toes into the soil—again, again, again. Finally, Janie stood atop the hill! As she threw her hands to the sky, Janie hoped the entire town could see her.

,begin bold,Passage 2:,end bold,

,begin bold,The Race,end bold,

Trevor was nearing the final turn. He had no idea the other kids in the Tenth Annual Rockland County Bike Race would be so fast! He'd watched the race from the stands a few times, but he truly thought he'd easily outpace everyone else.

Racing toward the finish line, Trevor watched the dirt streaking wildly from his wheels. He felt another rider edging up alongside him. Trevor stood up to pedal for the last 50 feet, 30 feet, 10 feet . . .

Trevor had won! He pumped his fists into the air, listening to the cheer of the crowd.

These passages share the theme that hard work can lead to feelings of self-satisfaction.

Which action of the main characters helps readers understand the theme?

Answer options with 4 options
winning a race

encouraging others

practicing to improve their skills

extending their hands in the air

The action of the main characters that helps readers understand the theme is option 3, practicing to improve their skills. In Passage 1, Janie tries many times to climb Kimball Peak before finally succeeding. In Passage 2, Trevor races towards the finish line, showing his dedication and practice in improving his biking skills. Both characters put in hard work and effort to achieve their goals, which demonstrates the theme that hard work can lead to feelings of self-satisfaction.