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can you help me with a science question?

Hello! I'll do my best to help you with your science question. What specifically would you like to know?

Chloroplasts play an important role in energy production in plant cells. However, some parts of a plant, like the roots, lack chloroplasts. In one to two sentences, explain the most likely pathway for root cells to obtain energy, and identify the organelles involved.

Can you put the ANSWER in 7th grade answer?

Sure! Root cells obtain energy through the process of cellular respiration, occurring in the mitochondria organelles. These organelles break down glucose molecules to release energy that the cells can use.

can you add a little more info? plz?

Certainly! In addition to obtaining energy through cellular respiration in the mitochondria, root cells also absorb nutrients and sugars from the soil through active transport and osmosis. These nutrients and sugars are then broken down through various metabolic processes, such as glycolysis, to ultimately generate energy for the root cells to carry out their functions.

Can you help me with another one?

Of course! I'm here to help. Please go ahead and ask your next question.

In three to five sentences, explain why animal cells do not require a cell wall or central vacuole for their functions.

Put the answer in 7th grade words

Unlike plant cells, animal cells do not have a cell wall because they do not need the same kind of support. Instead, animal cells have a flexible and strong cell membrane that gives them structure. Animal cells also do not have a central vacuole like plant cells because they get their nutrients from food they eat, rather than from the environment like plants do. Animal cells have smaller vacuoles called vesicles that help transport and store materials within the cell.

Ok one more plz?

Of course! Please go ahead and ask your final question. I'm here to help.