Was there a bell that was made but was so big that the people who made it were unable to move it. And once when the was a fire and the bell was glowing Orange because it was very hot. Someone poured water on it and it cracked.

Yes, there is a famous bell that fits your description - the Great Bell of Dhammazedi. It was a massive bronze bell commissioned in the 15th century by King Dhammazedi of Myanmar (Burma). The bell was so large and heavy that it is said to have taken over a decade and thousands of workers to construct it.

According to legends, when the bell was completed, the people who made it were unable to move it due to its immense size. Eventually, they managed to roll it onto a specially constructed raft, but as they tried to transport it down the river, the raft capsized and the bell fell into the water. It is believed that the bell remains submerged in the Yangon River to this day.

Regarding the story of the bell turning orange during a fire, that might be a separate legend or misunderstanding. As the bell was never recovered, it's challenging to verify such specific details. However, it is true that large bronze bells can turn orange when heated due to the patina (a layer formed on the surface of the metal), and pouring water on a hot bell could potentially cause it to crack due to the sudden temperature change.