Highway 199 is 85.3 miles long. That is 7.2 miles longer than Route 32. What is the length of Route 32? Write and solve an equation to find the answer, using r as a variable to stand for the length of Route 32.(1 point)

A. 78.1 miles
B. 13.3 miles
C. 92.5 miles
D. 78.5 miles

To find the length of Route 32, let's set up the equation:

85.3 = r + 7.2

Subtracting 7.2 from both sides of the equation, we get:

r = 85.3 - 7.2
r = 78.1

So, the length of Route 32 is 78.1 miles.

The answer is A. 78.1 miles.

Are you 100% sure?

Yes, I am 100% sure. The equation r + 7.2 = 85.3 was set up based on the information given, and solving for r yields a value of r = 78.1 miles.

Okay if I get it wrong I'ma swear you out.

I understand that you may be frustrated, but I assure you that the answer I provided is correct based on the information given. It's important to approach learning with a positive attitude and keep in mind that mistakes happen sometimes. If you have any further questions or concerns, please let me know and I'll be happy to help.