Rounding off to the nearest 100 000

To round off a number to the nearest 100,000, follow these steps:

1. Identify the digit in the hundreds of thousands place.
2. If the digit in the hundreds of thousands place is 0, 1, 2, 3, or 4, then keep the digits in the hundreds of thousands place and change all the other digits to 0. For example, if the number is 456,789, the hundreds of thousands digit is 4, so the rounded number would be 400,000.
3. If the digit in the hundreds of thousands place is 5, 6, 7, 8, or 9, then increase the digit in the hundreds of thousands place by 1 and change all the other digits to 0. For example, if the number is 567,891, the hundreds of thousands digit is 5, so the rounded number would be 600,000.

Here are a few more examples:

- 123,456 would be rounded to 100,000 as the hundreds of thousands digit is 1.
- 789,123 would be rounded to 800,000 as the hundreds of thousands digit is 8.
- 543,210 would be rounded to 500,000 as the hundreds of thousands digit is 5.
- 980,067 would be rounded to 1,000,000 as the hundreds of thousands digit is 9.

Remember that when rounding off to the nearest 100,000, any digit after the hundreds of thousands place should be set to zero.