The better government must protect the states from which threat is it domestic violence, marriage, equal, equality, unfair, laws, or rational discrimination

A better government must protect its states from all of the mentioned threats, as they are all important areas that require attention and safeguarding.

1. Domestic Violence: It is crucial for a government to implement laws and policies that combat domestic violence and provide comprehensive support to victims. This includes establishing safe shelters, implementing stricter laws against perpetrators, and raising awareness about domestic violence prevention.

2. Marriage Equality: A progressive government should ensure that all individuals have equal rights and access to marriage, irrespective of their sexual orientation or gender identity. This involves legalizing same-sex marriage and ensuring equal treatment and protection under the law for all couples.

3. Equal Rights: Governments must protect and promote the principle of equality for all citizens. This includes implementing laws that prohibit discrimination based on race, gender, religion, or any other characteristic, and working towards a society where everyone has equal opportunities and rights.

4. Unfair Laws: Governments need to continuously review and reform their laws and policies to ensure fairness and justice for all. This involves identifying and rectifying any laws that may discriminate against certain individuals or groups and working towards creating a more equitable legal system.

5. Rational Discrimination: A better government must work towards eradicating all forms of discrimination, including irrational discrimination, which refers to biases based on unfounded prejudices. Policies and initiatives should aim to correct societal misconceptions, promote inclusion, and ensure equal treatment for all individuals, regardless of their background or characteristics.

In conclusion, a better government should protect states from domestic violence, promote marriage equality, strive for equal rights, eliminate unfair laws, and challenge irrational discrimination. By addressing these issues comprehensively, governments can create a more just and inclusive society for all citizens.