A photographer offers a photo shoot for a $85 flat fee. Customers may purchase prints for $5 per sheet.

How many sheets can a customer purchase and spend at most $150?

What linear inequality with variable x represents this situation?

What is the solution to that inequality? Enter the solution as an inequality using x.

Let x be the number of sheets that a customer can purchase.

The cost of the photo shoot is fixed at $85.
The cost of the prints is $5 per sheet.
Therefore, the total cost that a customer would spend is given by the equation:
Total cost = $85 + $5x

We want to find the maximum number of sheets that a customer can purchase without exceeding $150.
So, we need to solve the inequality:
Total cost ≤ $150

Substituting the formula for total cost, we have:
$85 + $5x ≤ $150

Simplifying the inequality, we have:
$5x ≤ $65

Now, let's solve the inequality for x:
x ≤ 13

Therefore, a customer can purchase at most 13 sheets without spending more than $150.
The solution to the inequality is:
x ≤ 13