Use the prime factors to determine the lowest common denominator for 2/3, 7/10, 5/9, 11/12.

To find the lowest common denominator (LCD) for 2/3, 7/10, 5/9, and 11/12, we need to identify the prime factors of each denominator and choose the ones that are common to all denominators.

1) The prime factors of 3 are 3.
2) The prime factors of 10 are 2, 5.
3) The prime factors of 9 are 3, 3.
4) The prime factors of 12 are 2, 2, 3.

Now, let's determine the common prime factors among all the denominators: 3, 2.

Multiplying these common prime factors together, we get 3 * 2 = 6.

Therefore, the lowest common denominator for 2/3, 7/10, 5/9, and 11/12 is 6.