What could be the cause of acute (sudden) death of several calves/cows at one time?

Not enough nutrition
Lead poisoning
Exposure to feed additives
Genetic issues

There could be multiple potential causes of acute (sudden) death of several calves/cows at one time. Some possible causes include:

1. Infectious diseases: Outbreaks of highly contagious diseases such as foot-and-mouth disease, bovine viral diarrhea virus, bovine respiratory diseases, or anthrax can lead to rapid deaths of multiple animals within a short period.

2. Toxic substances: Exposure to toxic substances like pesticides, herbicides, mycotoxins, or poisonous plants in the feed, water, or environment can lead to acute deaths if consumed in large quantities.

3. Severe weather conditions: Extreme weather events such as severe storms, heatwaves, or cold snaps can cause sudden deaths in livestock due to stress, hypothermia, heat stroke, or lightning strikes.

4. Botulism: Ingestion of spoiled feeds or contaminated carcasses can lead to botulism, a potentially fatal condition characterized by paralysis and respiratory failure.

5. Poisoning: Accidental or intentional ingestion of toxic substances like lead, arsenic, or toxic plants can result in sudden deaths.

6. Traumatic injuries: Calves or cows may sometimes experience traumatic injuries due to accidents, falls, or fights, which can lead to severe complications and acute deaths.

7. Heart-related issues: Certain heart conditions like myocardial infarction or sudden cardiac arrest can potentially cause sudden deaths in animals.

It is important to note that the actual cause of acute deaths in a herd would require a thorough veterinary investigation, including post-mortem examinations and laboratory testing, to determine the exact underlying cause.