X + ⅔ < 9, solve inequality

and write like a 7th grader

To solve the inequality X + ⅔ < 9, we need to find the value of X that makes the inequality true.

We want to find the number that we can add to ⅔ that will give us a sum less than 9. Let's think about it like this: if we have ⅔ of something and we add some number X to it, the total should be less than 9.

To find X, we can start by subtracting ⅔ from both sides of the inequality. This way, we are isolating X on one side of the equation.

So, we have:
X + ⅔ - ⅔ < 9 - ⅔

When we subtract ⅔ from ⅔, we get 0 on the left side of the inequality. On the right side, 9 minus ⅔ is equal to 8⅓.

Now, our inequality becomes:
X < 8⅓

Therefore, the solution to the inequality X + ⅔ < 9 is that X is less than 8⅓.