You are spending time with one of your best friends at a local batting cage. You are both working on your swing to improve your hit percentage. A friend of your friend comes up to you and offers you a cigarette. Your friend accepts, starts smoking, and offers one to you. What acronym would help you in deciding what to say to your friend? (1 point) Responses FITT FITT PALA PALA DECIDE DECIDE None of the above

Although none of the acronym options provided directly addresses the situation at hand, a potential acronym that could help in deciding what to say to your friend is "SMART."

SMART stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. In this context, it can be applied to help guide your response by considering the following:

- Specific: Clearly define your concerns or reasons for not wanting to smoke.
- Measurable: Identify the potential consequences or benefits of smoking or not smoking.
- Achievable: Determine what actions you and your friend can take to address the situation.
- Relevant: Consider the relevance of smoking to your goals of improving your hit percentage and overall health.
- Time-bound: Set a timeline for discussing the issue or making a decision about smoking.

By applying the SMART acronym, you can thoughtfully consider your response and communicate effectively with your friend regarding your decision about smoking.

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Based on the provided acronym options, the most relevant one for deciding what to say to your friend in this scenario would be "None of the above."