Largest number at the top, smallest number at the bottom, order the numbers from greatest to least.

radical symbol 16

please answer correctly mare sure your answer is right 100%.

The correct order from greatest to least is:

2^3 (8)
3^2 (9)
|-2| (2)
radical symbol 16 (4)
|7| (7)

radical symbol 13 on a number line closest to which number.

The number closest to the radical symbol 13 on a number line is 4, as the square root of 13 is approximately 3.61.

Between which pair of rational numbers on a number line does radical symbol 38 lie?

a. Between 6.3 and 6.5
b. Between 19 and 19.2
c. Between 18.9 and 19.1
d. Between 6.1 and 6.2

To find the pair of rational numbers between which the square root of 38 lies on a number line, we need to estimate the value of the square root of 38.

The square root of 38 is approximately 6.16.

Therefore, the square root of 38 lies between 6.1 and 6.2.

The correct option is d. Between 6.1 and 6.2.

Identify the most specific set to which each of the following numbers belongs:(5 points)

a. 0.121212
b. radical symbol 47
c. 0
d. -9
e. radical symbol 144

options: rational number, irrational number, natural number, integer, and whole number.

a. 0.121212: Rational number

b. Radical symbol 47: Irrational number
c. 0: Whole number
d. -9: Integer
e. Radical symbol 144: Rational number

For the inequality x≤−3 , which number(s) listed makes the inequality true? (Check ALL that apply!)(3 points)

a. −radical symbol 7
b. −75/22
c. -3.14
d. -10.1010
e. -2.101101110...

To check which numbers make the inequality x ≤ -3 true, we need to compare the given numbers to -3.

a. -√7: Since √7 is approximately 2.65, -√7 is less than -3. Therefore, a is not a solution.

b. -75/22: -75/22 is approximately -3.409, which is less than -3. Therefore, b is not a solution.

c. -3.14: -3.14 is less than -3. Therefore, c is a solution.

d. -10.1010: -10.1010 is less than -3. Therefore, d is a solution.

e. -2.101101110...: This number is not given accurately, but since it is less than -2 and -2 is less than -3, we can conclude that it is less than -3. Therefore, e is a solution.

Thus, the numbers that make the inequality x ≤ -3 true are c, d, and e.