Imagine that the sun disappeared from the universe tomorrow. Which sphere or spheres would this affect?(1 point) Responses atmosphere atmosphere atmosphere and biosphere atmosphere and biosphere all spheres all spheres biosphere

This event would primarily affect the atmosphere, biosphere, and possibly the hydrosphere.

The sun provides heat and light to the Earth, which is crucial for maintaining a stable atmosphere. Without the sun's energy, the temperature of the atmosphere would rapidly plummet, leading to extremely cold temperatures. This would have a significant impact on weather patterns, atmospheric circulation, and the composition of gases in the atmosphere.

The biosphere, which includes all living organisms on Earth, is heavily dependent on the sun for energy. Plants use sunlight in the process of photosynthesis to produce food, and all other organisms rely on plants directly or indirectly for energy. Without sunlight, plants would not be able to survive, leading to a collapse of the food chain and an eventual extinction of most life forms.

The hydrosphere, which includes all water bodies on Earth, may also be affected to some extent. The sun plays a role in the water cycle, driving evaporation from oceans and other water bodies. Without sun-driven evaporation, the water cycle would be disrupted, potentially leading to changes in precipitation patterns and overall water distribution.