When are triple quotes likely to be used in a Python program?

(1 point)

in object-oriented design

in object-oriented design

when creating a class

when creating a class

when creating an object

when creating an object

when describing a program in comments

Triple quotes in Python, also known as multiline strings, are likely to be used in the following scenarios:

1) When creating a class: Triple quotes can be used to provide a docstring for a class, which serves as a description of the class and its functionalities. It helps in documenting and providing information about the class to other programmers.


class MyClass:
This is a docstring for MyClass.
It provides information about the class and its functionalities.
# class definition here

2) When creating an object: Triple quotes can be used to provide a docstring for an object or instance of a class. It serves a similar purpose as a class docstring but is specific to an instance of that class.


my_object = MyClass()
my_object.__doc__ = """
This is a docstring for my_object.
It provides information about the object and its specific functionalities.

3) When describing a program in comments: Triple quotes can be used to add multiline comments to the code, providing explanations or descriptions of the program's logic or functionality.


This is a program that performs a specific task.
It takes input from the user, processes it, and produces the desired output.

# rest of the code

Note: Triple quotes can also be used for other purposes, such as creating multiline strings, but the most common and relevant usages are mentioned above.