Consider this program:

class Students:

    def __init__(self, name, grade): = name

        self.grade = grade


student34 = Students("Maria", 10)

student35 = Students("Jane", 9)


What is the output?

The output of this program will be an AttributeError. This is because the attribute "self" does not exist within the Students class. When we try to access the attribute "self" of the object "student35", it raises an exception.

What will this line of code do?


(1 point)

create a variable called quiz_scores to hold the average

create a variable called quiz_scores to hold the average

average an array called quiz_scores

average an array called quiz_scores

add the variable average to the array called quiz_scores

add the variable average to the array called quiz_scores

add the variable quiz_scores to the average

The line of code "numpy.average(quiz_scores)" will calculate the average of the array called "quiz_scores" using the numpy library. The result will be the average value of all the elements in the array.

What will this line of code do?


(1 point)

The line of code "numpy.average(quiz_scores)" will calculate the average of the array called "quiz_scores" using the numpy library. The result will be the average value of all the elements in the array.