--Almonds worth $4.05 per pound were mixed with walnuts worth $4.15 per pound. How many pounds of each were used if there were 16 more pounds of almonds than there were pounds of walnuts and the value of the mixture was $100.88? (Hint: Use x to represent the pounds of walnuts.)

Give the value and mixture
Find the pounds.

Let x represent the pounds of walnuts.

The pounds of almonds would then be x + 16.
The value of the walnuts would be x * $4.15.
The value of the almonds would be (x + 16) * $4.05.
The total value of the mixture would be $4.15x + $4.05(x + 16).
Setting this equal to $100.88, we have:
$4.15x + $4.05(x + 16) = $100.88
$4.15x + $4.05x + $65.20 = $100.88
$8.20x + $65.20 = $100.88
$8.20x = $35.68
x = $35.68 / $8.20
x ≈ 4.35
So, there were about 4.35 pounds of walnuts used.
Since there were 16 more pounds of almonds than there were pounds of walnuts, there would be approximately 4.35 + 16 = 20.35 pounds of almonds used.

Therefore, there were about 4.35 pounds of walnuts and 20.35 pounds of almonds used in the mixture.