Jasmine is on a cell phone plan where she pays $20 a month plus $0.10 per text message. She does not want to spend more than $40 on her cell phone bill. Write and solve the inequality that will tell her how many text messages she can send.

Let x be the number of text messages Jasmine can send.

The cost of the text messages is $0.10x.
The total cost of the cell phone bill is $20 + $0.10x.
Since Jasmine does not want to spend more than $40, the inequality is:
$20 + $0.10x ≤ $40.
Subtracting $20 from both sides we get:
$0.10x ≤ $20.
Dividing both sides by $0.10 we get:
x ≤ 200.
The inequality that will tell Jasmine how many text messages she can send is:
x ≤ 200.