Arjun’s hourly pay is $7.00 more than that of Rachel’s. If they each worked for 2 hours, and together received a total of $85 what is Rachel’s hourly rate of pay? Round to two decimal places.

Let Rachel's hourly pay be x.

Then Arjun's hourly pay is x + $7.00.
Over 2 hours, Rachel earns 2x and Arjun earns 2(x + $7.00).
Together they earn a total of $85 so, 2x + 2(x + $7.00) = $85
Multiplying through the parentheses gives 2x + 2x + $14.00 = $85
Combining like terms gives 4x + $14.00 = $85
Subtracting $14.00 from both sides gives 4x = $71
Dividing through by 4 gives x = $<<71/4=17.75>>17.75.
Rachle's hourly rate of pay is $17.75. Answer: \boxed{17.75}.