How are parallelograms and trapezoids different? 1.a trapezoid only has one pair of parallel sides,

2. A parallelogram has four right angles, but a trapezoid doesn’t need to have four right angles.
3. A parallelogram only has one par of parallel sides, but a trapezoid has two.
4. A trapezoid has four right angles, but a parallelogram doesn’t need to have four right angles.

The statements you provided are incorrect. Let's correct them:

1. A trapezoid has only one pair of parallel sides, while a parallelogram has two pairs of parallel sides.
2. A parallelogram has opposite angles that are equal and parallel sides of equal length. A trapezoid does not have these properties.
3. A parallelogram has two pairs of parallel sides, while a trapezoid has only one pair of parallel sides.
4. A trapezoid does not necessarily have four right angles. In fact, most trapezoids do not have any right angles. However, a parallelogram always has four right angles.