Which expression is equivalent to (−4x−3y−5)2 ? Select all that apply. (2 points) Responses −8y7x5 the fraction with numerator negative 8 y to the 7th power and denominator x to the 5th power 16y−10x6 the fraction with numerator 16 y to the negative 10 power and denominator x to the 6th power −8x−5y7 negative 8 x to the negative 5 power y to the 7th power 16x−6y−10 16 x to the negative 6 power y to the negative 10 power 16y10x10

The correct expressions that are equivalent to (−4x−3y−5)2 are:

1) (-8x - 5y)7
2) (16y - 10x)6