1. Find the tax paid for a pair of earrings with a list price of $88. 2. What is the total cost of the pair of earrings? (1 point) Responses $0.50; $93.02 $0.50; $93.02 $5.02; $98.04 $5.02; $98.04 $0.50; $98.04 $0.50; $98.04 $5.02; $93.02 $5.02; $93.02

To calculate the tax paid for the pair of earrings, we need to know the tax rate. Without that information, we cannot determine the exact tax amount. Therefore, we cannot give a specific answer to question 1.

Similarly, without the tax rate, we cannot determine the total cost of the pair of earrings, so we also cannot answer question 2.

The correct response is: Not enough information given to answer the questions.