The sum of 11and 3/4 of a number is less than 112. What are all the possible values of the number

Let's call the number "x".

The sum of 11 and 3/4 of the number x can be expressed as: 11 + (3/4)x.

According to the given information, this sum is less than 112: 11 + (3/4)x < 112.

To solve this inequality, we can subtract 11 from both sides: (3/4)x < 101.

Next, we can multiply both sides by 4 to eliminate the fraction: 4*(3/4)x < 4*101.

This simplifies to: 3x < 404.

Finally, divide both sides by 3: x < 404/3.

Therefore, all the possible values of the number x are less than 404/3.