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What is an example of subgenre of poetry

Tragedy novel

Those examples you've mentioned fall under the category of different literary genres. However, if you're specifically looking for subgenres of poetry, here are a few examples:

1. Sonnet: A 14-line poem with a specific rhyme scheme and rhythm.
2. Haiku: A three-line poem originating from Japan, consisting of 17 syllables in a 5-7-5 pattern.
3. Free verse: Poems that do not follow any specific rhyme or meter patterns.
4. Ballad: Narrative poems that tell a story and often have a musical quality.
5. Elegy: Poems that mourn the loss of someone or something and reflect on themes of sadness or loss.

These are just a few examples of subgenres in poetry, and there are many more out there.

Sorry I meant


Apologies for the confusion earlier. Here are the correct examples of subgenres related to tragedy, novel, epic, and fable:

1. Tragicomedy: A subgenre that blends elements of both tragedy and comedy, often featuring a mixture of humorous and serious moments.
2. Historical Novel: A novel set in a specific historical period, incorporating real events, people, and places into a fictional narrative.
3. Epic Poetry: A long narrative poem that typically tells the story of heroic deeds or adventures, often featuring larger-than-life characters and grand themes.
4. Animal Fable: A subgenre of fables that uses anthropomorphic animals (animals with human qualities and characteristics) to convey moral lessons or messages.

No those are the answers choose the correct one

I apologize for the confusion. To clarify, here are the correct subgenres for the terms you provided:

1. Tragedy: Revenge tragedy, domestic tragedy, classical tragedy, etc.
2. Novel: Mystery novel, science fiction novel, historical novel, etc.
3. Epic: Heroic epic, mock epic, didactic epic, etc.
4. Fable: Animal fable, cautionary fable, comic fable, etc.

These are just a few examples of subgenres within each category. There are many more subgenres and variations within these broader genres.

Which option is an example of a subgenre of poetry


Of the options provided, the correct answer is "Epic." Epic is a subgenre of poetry that typically involves a long narrative poem telling the story of heroic deeds or adventures.

Which of the following best describes a short text that reveals a moral or lesson and serves as a warning
