Part B

Which evidence best supports the answer in Part A?
O A. "In order to make a raindrop, water needs to condense around a solid speck like dust pollen, or even volcanic ash." (paragraph 2)
• B. "Today, rainmaking and hail reduction is not without controversy."
(paragraph 4)
C. "For western states, more water means reservoirs will be replenished and hydropower plants can count on producing enough electricity." (paragraph 7)
"This is a fantasy that I had when I started in this field, Willoughby says, admitting that it still remains a fantasy." (paragraph 8)

The answer that best supports the answer in Part A is option C. "For western states, more water means reservoirs will be replenished and hydropower plants can count on producing enough electricity." This statement explains the potential benefits of rainmaking, specifically for replenishing water sources and generating electricity.