Which 2 groups of people produced new ideas in math? Answer choice Jews and Muslims, Catholics and Muslims

Both Jews and Muslims have contributed significantly to the development of mathematical ideas throughout history. The Islamic Golden Age (8th to 14th centuries) witnessed impressive advancements in a range of scientific fields, including mathematics. Scholars from the Islamic world, such as Al-Khwarizmi, Al-Kindi, and Al-Biruni, made substantial contributions to algebra, trigonometry, and arithmetic.

Similarly, Jewish mathematicians have played a vital role in the progression of mathematical concepts. For example, Abraham ibn Ezra, Moses Maimonides, and Abraham bar Hiyya were prominent Jewish mathematicians who greatly contributed to the field during the medieval period.

Catholics have also made significant contributions to various branches of mathematics. Notable Catholic mathematicians include René Descartes, Pierre de Fermat, Blaise Pascal, and Girolamo Cardano, who made crucial advancements in areas such as analytic geometry, number theory, probability theory, and algebra.

Hence, both Jews and Muslims, as well as Catholics, have produced new ideas in mathematics throughout history.