The wolfiest of the wolves was waiting for them atop his throne. Around each leg, hundreds of guards and snakes kept watch.

What questions would you make into this?

1. Who is "the wolfiest of the wolves" mentioned in the sentence?

2. How did the guards and snakes come to be around each leg of the wolfiest wolf?
3. Why was the wolfiest of the wolves waiting for "them"?
4. What is the significance or symbolism of the throne that the wolfiest of the wolves is sitting on?
5. What is the relationship between the guards and snakes?
6. How does the presence of the guards and snakes affect the atmosphere or ambiance of the scene?
7. Was there any prior interaction or history between "them" and the wolfiest of the wolves?
8. What kind of power or authority does the wolfiest of the wolves hold?
9. Can the guards and snakes be considered allies or captives of the wolfiest wolf?
10. Can you describe the appearance or demeanor of the wolfiest of the wolves?