Convert the following repeating decimal to a fraction in simplest form.

., start overline, 2, 9, end overline

The given repeating decimal is 0.2929...

To convert this repeating decimal to a fraction, we can use the following method:

Let x = 0.2929...

Multiplying both sides of the equation by 100 (to remove the decimal point), we get:

100x = 29.2929...

Subtracting the original equation from this equation, we get:

100x - x = 29.2929... - 0.2929...

Simplifying both sides of the equation, we get:

99x = 29

Dividing both sides of the equation by 99, we get:

x = 29/99

Therefore, the fraction equivalent to the repeating decimal 0.2929... is 29/99.