What important piece of information should a sketch include in addition to the numeric dimensions?

In addition to numeric dimensions, a sketch should include:

1. Labels and annotations: Clearly labeling different parts or sections of the sketch helps in understanding the overall layout or design. Annotations can provide additional details, callouts, or instructions related to specific elements.

2. Scale or proportions: It is important to indicate the scale or proportions of the sketch to convey the intended size relationship between different components accurately. This can be done by using reference measurements or specifying a scale ratio.

3. Materials and textures: If relevant to the design, including information about materials or textures used in the sketch can help visualize the final product more accurately. Shading, patterns, or hatching techniques can be used to represent different materials or surface finishes.

4. Perspective or views: Depending on the complexity of the object or design, different perspectives or views might be necessary to convey the complete picture. Adding side views, front views, or different angles can provide a better understanding of the three-dimensional structure.

5. Key features or details: Highlighting specific features or important details in the sketch can help emphasize their significance or functionality. For example, arrows or callouts can indicate moving parts, important connections, or specific dimensions.

6. Notes or explanations: Including written notes or explanations alongside the sketch can help clarify any particular aspect or describe the functionality of different components. This can be especially useful when sharing the sketch with others or for future reference.

7. Grid lines or reference points: Using a grid system or adding reference points can help maintain accuracy and ensure proper alignment of elements in the sketch. Grid lines can also aid in scaling the drawing accurately.

8. Date and identification: Adding the date or version number to the sketch is important for record-keeping and tracking design iterations. If multiple sketches are being made, it can be beneficial to add identification information like a title or project name for organization purposes.

In summary, a sketch should go beyond just numeric dimensions and include labels, scale, materials, perspectives, key features, notes, grid lines, and identification information. These additional details enhance the clarity, understanding, and usability of the sketch.