less focus on religion than previous times in history

There is evidence to suggest that religion has become less of a focal point in many societies compared to previous times in history. This shift can be attributed to a variety of reasons:

1. Secularization: One major factor is the process of secularization, which involves the diminishing influence of religion in public and private life. The advancement of science, technology, and rational thinking has led many individuals to question or reject religious beliefs and practices. As a result, religion has lost its dominance in various societal institutions, such as education, government, and cultural norms.

2. Pluralism and multiculturalism: The increasing diversity and globalization of societies have brought about a greater awareness and acceptance of different religious and non-religious perspectives. In multicultural societies, multiple religions coexist, leading to a reduced emphasis on any single religion as the sole guiding force.

3. Individualism and personal autonomy: Modern societies tend to prioritize individual freedoms and personal autonomy over religious authorities or institutions. People increasingly seek to shape their own beliefs, values, and moral frameworks, rather than adhering strictly to the doctrines or dogmas of organized religions.

4. Decline in religious affiliation and practice: Studies have shown a decline in religious affiliation and regular religious practices among younger generations. Many individuals identify as "nones" or religiously unaffiliated, indicating a rejection of traditional religious institutions or a shift towards more individualistic or alternative spiritual beliefs and practices.

5. Focus on secular issues: With pressing issues such as climate change, social justice, and political conflicts demanding attention, people may be prioritizing these secular concerns over religious matters. As a result, the role of religion in shaping societal discourse and policies may have diminished to some extent.

It is important to note that while the focus on religion may have reduced in some parts of the world, there are still regions and communities where religion remains a central aspect of individual and collective life. The extent of religious influence varies across different contexts and cultures, and it is a complex and evolving topic that requires nuanced analysis.