How did the Silla turn Korea into an economic and cultural center?

(1 point)
O by giving greater independence to the aristocracy
• by establishing trade networks between Japan, China, and India
• by freeing Korea from the influence of the Tang dynasty
• by carrying Confucian and Buddhist ideas to Japan

The Silla turned Korea into an economic and cultural center through several means. They established trade networks between Japan, China, and India, which allowed for the exchange of goods, ideas, and culture. This facilitated economic growth and allowed Korea to become a regional trading hub. Additionally, the Silla promoted Confucian and Buddhist ideas, which influenced not only Korea but also Japan. The spread of these religions and philosophies led to the development of a shared cultural foundation in the region. Lastly, by freeing Korea from the influence of the Tang dynasty in China, the Silla were able to assert their independence and develop their own unique identity and culture.