The sum of 4.5 and one-third a number is equal to at most 38.9. What are all the possible values of the number? How could u write an inequality that could be used to solve this problem?


Let's represent the number as 'x'.

According to the given information, we can write the equation:

4.5 + (1/3)x ≤ 38.9

To find all the possible values of x, we need to solve this inequality.

To do that, we can start by subtracting 4.5 from both sides of the inequality:

(1/3)x ≤ 38.9 - 4.5
(1/3)x ≤ 34.4

Now, to isolate x, we can multiply both sides of the inequality by 3 (because 1/3 times 3 equals 1):

3 * (1/3)x ≤ 3 * 34.4
x ≤ 103.2

So, the possible values of x are any number less than or equal to 103.2.

Therefore, the inequality that could be used to solve this problem is:

x ≤ 103.2