Chloe has twice as many cats as her sister has dogs. Her brother has two turtles. Together, they have twelve pets. Write an equation that can be used to find how many of each pet they have.

Let's denote the number of cats Chloe has as "c", the number of dogs her sister has as "d", and the number of turtles her brother has as "t".

From the given information, we know that "Chloe has twice as many cats as her sister has dogs", so we can write the equation:

c = 2d

We also know that "her brother has two turtles", so we can write the equation:

t = 2

And finally, we know that "together, they have twelve pets", so we can write the equation:

c + d + t = 12

Therefore, the equation that can be used to find the number of each pet they have is:
c = 2d
t = 2
c + d + t = 12