In three sentences write about how the ancient Yaquis about their gods use evidence from the folktale to support your idea

the first fire

In the ancient Yaqui folktale "The First Fire," it is evident that the Yaquis believed in gods who possessed great power. This is demonstrated when the Yaquis plead to the gods for fire, which is ultimately granted to them by the gods. Additionally, the fact that the gods gave instructions on how to keep the fire going and the consequences of not doing so further supports the belief that the Yaquis revered and respected these divine beings.


The Yaquis in the ancient folktale "The First Fire" believed in powerful gods, as evidenced by their plea for fire and the gods' granting of their request. The gods also provided instructions and emphasized the consequences of not tending to the fire, indicating the Yaquis' reverence for these deities.