Use the image of the rose plant to complete the activity.

An illustration shows a rose flower with its stem.

Describe two adaptations you see on the rose plant, and explain how they are adaptations for defense, survival, or reproduction. Use three to five sentences to explain this.

(4 points)

Two adaptations seen on the rose plant are its thorns and its vibrant colors. The thorns on the stem of the rose plant act as a defense mechanism against potential predators, deterring them from trying to eat or destroy the plant. This adaptation helps ensure the survival of the plant by protecting it from being consumed or damaged. Additionally, the vibrant colors of the rose flower serve as an adaptation for reproductive purposes. The bright hues attract pollinators such as bees and butterflies, who are more likely to visit and transfer pollen, leading to successful reproduction and the production of seeds. Overall, these adaptations of thorns and vibrant colors on the rose plant play crucial roles in defense and reproduction.