A wheel on a bicycle has a radius of 8 inches. What is the distance it covers if the tire makes 2 full rotations?

A bicycle wheel has a radius of 8 inches.

A wheel on a bicycle has a radius of 8 inches. What is the distance it covers if the tire makes 2 full rotations?

A bicycle wheel has a radius of 8 inches.

100.48 inches

50.24 inches

200.96 inches

25.12 inches

To find the distance the wheel covers, we need to calculate the circumference. The formula for the circumference of a circle is C = 2πr.

Substituting the given radius of 8 inches into the formula, we get C = 2π(8) = 16π inches.

Since the tire makes 2 full rotations, it travels a distance equal to double the circumference. Therefore, the distance covered is 16π * 2 = 32π inches.

To calculate the approximate value of 32π, we can use 3.14 as an approximation for π.

32 * 3.14 = 100.48 inches

Therefore, the correct answer is 100.48 inches.