"The medium is the message." "The message is the medium." What do you think is the meaning of each saying? Which one is more applicable today?

"The medium is the message" and "The message is the medium" are both key concepts put forth by Marshall McLuhan, a prominent media theorist.

"The medium is the message" suggests that the form of communication itself (medium) influences and shapes the perception and understanding of the message it carries. In other words, the characteristics, channels, or technologies used to convey information have a significant impact on how the message is interpreted and understood. McLuhan argued that the medium itself has transformative effects on society by shaping the way people think, communicate, and interact with each other.

On the other hand, "The message is the medium" emphasizes that the content of the message itself (message) is intrinsically linked to the medium through which it is transmitted. In this view, the content and ideas being communicated cannot be separated from the medium they are presented in, as the medium imparts its own influence and context to the message.

Regarding which saying is more applicable today, it can be argued that both concepts continue to hold relevance. However, "The medium is the message" is perhaps more applicable today due to the rapid advancements in technology and the proliferation of various mediums of communication. With the rise of social media, streaming platforms, and digital technologies, the medium itself significantly shapes our perception of information and greatly influences how we consume and interpret messages. Different platforms and formats have their own unique characteristics, algorithms, and constraints, which in turn affect not only the content but also our engagement with it.

In summary, while both sayings capture different aspects of how communication works, "The medium is the message" appears to have greater significance in today's media-saturated society, where the medium plays a crucial role in shaping our understanding and interactions with the messages conveyed.