A second, more important impact that the printing press had was the social changes that occurred as a result of the increased literacy throughout the continent. Thanks to the reintroduction of Greek and Roman texts and the increase in learning that came with them, educated men began to challenge the authority of the church not just in Germany, but all over Europe. Educated church officials quickly became overwhelmed in widespread debates by educated secular men. When word spread that the church couldn’t explain things better than Renaissance Men, it lost even more authority.

What happened to the church as a result of the rise in literacy? Why?

As a result of the rise in literacy, the authority of the church declined. The reintroduction of Greek and Roman texts and the increase in learning led to educated men challenging the authority of the church. The church officials, who were educated themselves, became overwhelmed in widespread debates by educated secular men. When it became apparent that these Renaissance Men had a better understanding and explanation of various subjects than the church, the church lost even more authority.