An ice cream shop makes vanilla and chocolate ice cream. The vanilla ice cream machine has a 180-cup capacity, and it sells 20 cups per day. The chocolate ice cream machine has a 140-cup capacity, and it sells 16 cups per day. Write and solve an equation to show when the two machines will have the same amount of ice cream left.(1 point)


140+16x=180+20x ; x=10

180−20x=140−16x ; x=10

180−20x=140−16x ; x=20

180+16x=140+20x ; x=−10

180-20x = 140-16x

To find when the two machines will have the same amount of ice cream left, we need to solve for x.

First, let's simplify the equation by combining like terms:

-20x + 16x = 140 - 180

-4x = -40

Next, let's isolate x by dividing both sides of the equation by -4:

x = (-40)/(-4)

x = 10

Therefore, the equation that shows when the two machines will have the same amount of ice cream left is:

180-20x = 140-16x

And the solution is x = 10.