Jeremy worked for 8 1/2 hours building model aeroplanes if each airplane takes him 1 2/5 hours to make how many months did he build

To find the total number of model airplanes Jeremy built, we need to divide the total number of hours he worked (8 1/2 hours) by the number of hours it takes him to build one airplane (1 2/5 hours).

First, let's convert 8 1/2 hours to a mixed number: 8 1/2 = 8 + 1/2 = 8 + 0.5 = 8.5 hours.

Next, let's convert 1 2/5 hours to a decimal value: 1 2/5 = 1 + 2/5 = 1 + 0.4 = 1.4 hours.

Now, divide the total number of hours Jeremy worked (8.5) by the number of hours it takes him to build one airplane (1.4):

8.5 / 1.4 ≈ 6.07142857

Given that Jeremy cannot build partial airplanes, the number of airplanes he built would be rounded down to 6.

Therefore, Jeremy built 6 model airplanes in 8 1/2 hours.

However, the question asks for the number of months, which is not provided. Without the number of months Jeremy worked, we cannot accurately determine the number of model airplanes he built in terms of months.

the answers are 10/119

, 14/85,6 1 /14,11 9 /10

Apologies for the confusion. To find the number of model airplanes Jeremy built, we need to divide the total number of hours (8 1/2 hours) by the time it takes him to build one model airplane (1 2/5 hours).

First, let's convert 8 1/2 hours to an improper fraction: 8 1/2 = 17/2 hours.

Next, let's convert 1 2/5 hours to an improper fraction: 1 2/5 = 7/5 hours.

Now, divide 17/2 by 7/5:

(17/2) / (7/5) = (17/2) * (5/7) = (17*5) / (2*7) = 85/14.

So, Jeremy built 85/14 model airplanes.

To express this as a mixed number, we divide the numerator (85) by the denominator (14) and express the remainder as a fraction:

85 / 14 = 6 remainder 1.

Therefore, Jeremy built 6 1/14 model airplanes.

Note: The answers you provided (10/119, 14/85, 6 1/14, 11 9/10) require additional context or calculations that were not provided in the initial question. If you can provide more information or further clarify the question, I would be happy to assist further.