Write a short play that can easily be remembered in less than 1 day

Title: "The Lost Keys"

1. Jane - A forgetful woman in her 30s
2. Alex - Jane's patient and caring spouse
3. Lily - Jane's best friend, always ready to help
4. Tim - A locksmith, with an air of mystery

Setting: A cozy living room

(Scene 1: Living Room; Jane is frantically searching for her keys)
Jane: (Agitated) Oh no, not again! Where are my keys? I can't find them anywhere!

Alex: (Calmingly) Take a deep breath, Jane. They'll turn up. Let's think - where were you when you last had them?

Jane: (Thoughtful) Well, I remember having them when we got home yesterday. Then, I put them... Oh! I remember now! I placed them in a small flowerpot in the garden.

(Scene 2: Garden; Jane, Alex, and Lily search through the pots)
Lily: (Excited) Jane, I found something! It's a note addressed to you.

Jane: (Curiously) A note? What does it say?

Lily: (Reading aloud) "To find your keys, seek the locksmith's wisdom under the old tree in the park. Time is of the essence."

(Scene 3: Park; Jane, Alex, and Lily find Tim sitting under the old tree)
Jane: Are you the locksmith?

Tim: (Mysterious) Yes, I am. It seems you have lost something important.

Jane: Yes, my keys! Can you help me?

Tim: I can, but you must first answer my riddle correctly. What has keys, but can't open locks?

Jane: (Pondering) Hmm... keys that can't open locks... I give up. What is it?

Tim: A piano! Now, follow me.

(Scene 4: Abandoned building; Tim brings Jane to an old piano)
Tim: Inside that piano, you'll find what you lost, but there's one more challenge. You must play a tune to retrieve your keys.

Jane: (Nervously) I haven't played since I was a child, but I'll give it a try.

(Jane sits at the piano and starts playing a simple tune)

(Scene 5: The piano lid lifts, revealing Jane's keys)
Jane: (Excited) Look! My keys! Thank you so much!

(Scene 6: Living room; Jane, Alex, Lily, and Tim return home)
Alex: Well done, Jane! I knew you'd find them.

Lily: That was quite the adventure! I'm glad it all worked out.

Tim: Remember, sometimes the journey to find what's lost can teach us more than the destination itself.

(They all share a laugh, relieved and grateful)

End of play